To I.K.O.N. Branch Representatives
Welcome to the registration page!
On behalf of the I.K.O.N. Honbu, I'm pleased to announce that the 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships will be held on Sunday, December 10 in Osaka, Japan.
Including the championships, there will be various events to be held related to the competition. As a branch representative, you are responsible for yourself and your members to be registered on time.
Black Belt Exam
International Seminar (A tournament gift)
International Conference
Sayonara Party
Advance Order
Entry Visa (if required)
Meeting with Sosui
Bus Reservation
Tournament Entry
Branch Representatives, Referees and Judges
All registration must be submitted by September 1st, with no exception. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to seeing you all in November.
Kind regards,
Shihan Tats Nakamura
I.K.O.N. International Department

Entry Visa
Register by September 1st, 2022
Should you and your team require the VISA to enter Japan, send us a request. Honbu needs certain information from you to prepare the necessary documents for you to apply for the VISA. Please note that Honbu cannot assist you with any Covid-19-related issues.