The 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships
国際親善空手道選手権大会 Dec 10, 2023
All registrations must be submitted by September 30
Competitors Weigh-In on December 9 at Honbu
Weigh-in Schedule (Please be on time)
Visiting Honbu
The weigh-in will take place at the I.K.O.N. Honbu located in the city of Kobe.
No supporters (families, friends, or non-competitors) are allowed to come in as the capacity of the building is limited.
Your team can train and warm up during the scheduled time frame. Please be on time.
Weigh-in Rules
Competitors entering Division #1 to #6 DO NOT need to weigh in
- All competitors entering Division #7 to #56 need to weigh in even if they are fighting in the heavyweight division.
- Being lighter or heavier than their registered weight by more than 5 kg will result in disqualification.
- Being overweight than their weight limit of the category will result in disqualification.
What to wear at the weigh-in
Female competitors: Dogi pants and T-shirt
Male competitors: Dogi pants and T-shirt
Stripping down to underwear is not allowed. It'll be taken as harassment. In the weigh-in room, there will be both male and female competitors. Follow the appropriate international manner.
In order to consider the weight of your clothes, the weight scale will be set to 1 kg lighter than the actual weight.
I.K.O.N. Honbu