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2024 Canada Vancouver Summer Camp

I.K.O.N. Web

I.K.O.N. Vancouver, Canada held a special summer camp in beautiful Loon Lake, British Columbia.

This camp was a precious opportunity for dojo members to come together, improve their skills through martial arts, and deepen friendships and bonds at the same time. Through a total of seven training classes and various events, all participants were able to grow both physically and mentally.

The focus of the camp was of course training, and participants ranged from beginners to advanced, and each class offered content appropriate to their level.

Participants spent a meaningful time with the careful guidance of experienced seniors, who worked to improve their skills, classes to improve the accuracy of basic forms and movements, classes to learn practical offensive and defensive training in one-to-one training, and even classes to deepen friendships through orientation.

The beautiful natural environment of Loon Lake was a great healing point for the participants, and the conversations they had around the campfire at night while gazing at the starry sky further strengthened the bonds between the participants, creating a memorable moment.

Shihan Tats has always made it a point to directly convey to his dojo students the mindset and way of thinking they need to grow into better martial artists during training.

I.K.O.N.'s Vancouver, Canada branch summer camp was a wonderful combination of training, interaction, activities in nature, and events that deepened the bonds between participants, and the participants will take the valuable experiences they gained and the new bonds they formed at this camp and put them to good use in their future training and lives. >> More at I.K.O.N. Facebook

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