December 6 to 9 December 10 (Tournament Day)
Event Itinerary Locations Visiting Honbu Payment Check-in Contact

Event Itinerary

Visiting Honbu
Visiting Honbu
- You are welcome to visit the I.K.O.N. Honbu. But please follow the rules below.
- Your team supporters such as families and friends are not allowed to come in because the space of the Honbu building is limited.
- When you are in the main dojo, DO NOT TOUCH anything in the Shinzen (Shrine) area.
- After using the main dojo, clean up and do not leave anything behind.
- As you can imagine, the Honbu staff members will be extremely busy between Dec 6 and 11. Please do not disturb them by asking a question such as "Can you get me a taxi?" or "Can I buy a Makoto dogi?" Please look after yourself and find a taxi yourself.

The Honbu's Main Dojo will be open at the times listed below for the competitors to have a warm-up. There will be a visitor log at the entrance of the dojo. Please sign in before your team uses the facilities.
Please keep everything neat and clean as the Honbu staff will check after you leave. DO NOT touch the Shinzen. It's a direct order from Sosui and Daihyo.
Paying Entry Fees in Cash
To those team representatives who need to pay their entry fees in cash: Please come to the fitness-weight room on the 2nd floor when you come to Honbu for the competitor's check-in and weigh-in.
Please bring your invoice and check the amount.
If you have not paid through a bank or by a credit card, please pay in cash.
IMPORTANT!! Be sure to have the cash ready for the payment before getting to Kobe. The late payment after December 9 will not be accepted, meaning your competitors will not be able to compete. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
You can pay in Japanese Yen or US dollars. The exact amount, please as we will not carry cash for change.
Check-in and Weigh-in
Important Notice
Competitors check-in and weigh-in will take place at the I.K.O.N. Honbu located in the city of Kobe.
The team representative, competitors, and up to two coaches are allowed to come in.
No supporters (families, friends, or non-competitors) are allowed to come in as the capacity of the building is limited.
Your team can train and warm up during the scheduled time frame.
As you can see, it will be a busy day. Please be on time. If your team ends up running late, your team representative shall contact Tats Nakamura by email or via Messenger to let him know in advance.

Check-in for Divisions # 1-6 and 101-116
Competitors registered for categories #1 to #6 DO NOT need to do a weigh-in. Their Zekkens (Competitor number stickers) will be handed out to their team representative.

Weigh-in for Divisions # 7-56
ALL competitors registered for categories #7 to #56 including the heavyweights, need to do a weigh-in. When they pass the weigh-in, they will receive their Zekken from the Honbu staff.

Weigh-in Rules
Wear a t-shirt and dogi pants when weighing in. Striping down to underwear is NOT allowed. Be considerate of other competitors.
The weight scale is set 1 kg lighter to consider the weight of the dogi pants and the t-shirt.

Disqualification (Shikkaku 失格)
Being lighter or heavier than their registered weight by more than 5 kg will result in disqualification.
- Being overweight than their weight limit of the category will result in disqualification.
- Losing the Zekken or forgetting to bring it to the tournament will result in disqualification.