The 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships
国際親善空手道選手権大会 Dec 10, 2023
All registrations must be submitted by September 30
Visiting Honbu
The Honbu dojo will be open to you and your members during the times below.
Honbu dojo and office hours
No | Date | Time | Purpose |
1 | Thursday, December 7 | 9:00-18:00 | Warm-up / Pick-up / Payment |
2 | Friday, December 8 | 9:00-18:00 | Warm-up / Pick-up/ Payment |
3 | Saturday, December 9 | 9:00-18:00 | Warm-up / Pick-up / Payment / Weigh-in |
Procedures to enter the Honbu dojo for warm-up
Walk up on the outside stairs to the second floor.
Remove your shoes and put them on the shoe rack.
Change in the changing room on the second floor.
Walk upstairs to the third floor and find a check-in sheet.
You as a team leader write down your name, branch, and the time to check-in.
Train and warm up. Do not touch anything at the Shinzen at the front of the dojo.
When you and your team leave, write down the check-out time.
Be sure to clean up and wipe your sweat off the floor.
Bow in and bow out with loud "OSU"
Procedures to visit the Honbu dojo to make payment and/to pick up your order
Contact Shihan Tats Nakamura or Fumi Yoshioka via Messenger to set an appointment. Either one of them will be available during the office hours above.
Come up on the second floor and you will see a weight-lifting room.
You will find at least one of them in the room.
If you are paying in cash, we would appreciate it if you bring the exact amount that your invoice indicates.
Procedures to come with your Kumite competitors for weigh-in