The 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships
国際親善空手道選手権大会 Dec 10, 2023
All registrations must be submitted by September 30
Weigh-in for Kumite Competitors
The weigh-in for Kumite competitors will be conducted at the Honbu on the day before the tournament, December 9. Time will be announced later.
Weigh-in Regulatory Guideline
Competitors shall be weighed in within twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled event. The weigh-in shall take place in the presence of the I.K.O.N. Honbu staff.
Competitors will be disqualified by the weight discrepancies described below.
If his or her weight at the weigh-in exceeds the limit of the weight category they have registered, the competitor will be disqualified.
If his or her weight at the weigh-in is lighter or heavier by more than 5kg than their registered weight, the competitor will be disqualified.
A branch representative shall not allow their competitor to choose a weight category that forces them to lose their weight excessively. They shall help their competitor, underage students in particular, select an appropriate weight category according to their natural weight.