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The 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships

国際親善空手道選手権大会 Dec 10, 2023

All registrations must be submitted by September 30

Competitors - Tournament Entry

Please register your competitors by September 30. The information you need is as follows.

  1. Name

  2. Date of Birth

  3. Gender

  4. I.K.O.N. membership number (You cannot register without a card.)

  5. Belt Rank

  6. Height (cm)

  7. Weight (kg)

  8. Category (A performing Kata must be chosen in advance by a Kata competitor)

  9. Possessing the necessary protective gear

  10. Understanding the competition rules and match duration

Refer to the video clips below for fouls (Wait for 10 seconds for the videos to appear)

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Questions? Contact Tats Nakamura via Messenger, please.

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