The 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships
国際親善空手道選手権大会 Dec 10, 2023
All registrations must be submitted by September 30
2023 IFKC General Information
July 20, 2023
Dear Branch Representatives,
Welcome to the 2023 IFKC website!
On behalf of the I.K.O.N. Honbu, I'm pleased to announce that the 2023 International Friendship Karate Championships will be held on Sunday, December 10 in Osaka, Japan.
Navigating this event site
First of all, take a look at the event schedule below to familiarize yourself with the timetable of the championships and accompanying events.
Then, visit each page to get information about each event by using the menu on the left. (The site is mobile-friendly and the menu is on the top of the page)
You can directly reach registration forms from the event list below.
All participants must have an I.K.O.N. membership card
We will NOT accept registration without a valid membership number.
If you need to order them, contact Fumi Yoshioka.
Registering your members is your responsibility
All registrations must be submitted by September 30 with no exceptions.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to working with you through the registration period.
Yours in Kyokushin,
Tats Nakamura
I.K.O.N. International Department

2023 IFKC Event Schedule
N/A: Not Applicable, TBA: To be announced